“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.” - Chinese proverb

What can be a better way to pay back to the society than contributing in educating its future. The children of today are the future of tomorrow. There is nothing more gratifying than educating and empowering the next generation- the builders of our nation.

We, at DPS Dwarka Expressway, firmly believe in the uniqueness of all the children, their different capabilities, talents, and needs. Call of the time is to awaken their imagination, enhance their creativity, hone their critical thinking, and enable them to innovate and invent. Children of today are well -looked -after flowers in carefully nurtured gardens. It is therefore imperative to build an ecosystem that helps them become self-reliant, realistic, and responsible, an ecosystem that grows them into fearless pioneers in different spheres. To cater to the demand of the new age, we propel to impart an education that enables the students to excel holistically without stress and strain, to question beyond the written, and answer the inexplicable.

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We experiment with innovative methods to engage the learners constructively and to strengthen them academically, emotionally, and psychologically. We firmly believe that our young learners should be scientific yet spiritual, empathetic yet emotionally strong, imaginative yet realistic, and humble yet convincing.

In our continuous pursuit for excellence, we provide a technology-blended learning environment and avant-garde infrastructure that facilitates the process for them. We offer a thoughtfully planned curriculum that follows integrated approach, completely aligned with the New Education Policy 2020, world-class facilities, new age infrastructural spaces catering to the holistic wellbeing of the learners, and a well-trained faculty that collectively works towards meeting our mission statement.

With a dream that each one of our learners blossoms into a successful human being, we promise to impart everything within our best abilities to corroborate their 360-degree development.

Nitin Sawhney
Pro Vice Chairman