Students operate this division to account for the negative and positive impact that humans and their activities have on the environment. The students operating the Energy bank conduct audits for individuals, institutions, organisations and companies. The audited balance between the negative and positive impact sets the conservation targets on an annual basis.

The fact that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed from one state to another is the foundation the operation of the energy bank rests upon. Everything that happens around us constantly transforms energy. Only life processes are energy positive on earth, every action taken by human beings other than living are energy negative. The purpose of the energy bank is to measure and record such transformations in the world around us and analyse which transformations disturb or contribute to the dynamic equilibrium our world exists in both, as physical and biological entities.

The volunteers of the secretariat have learnt to measure energy transformations caused by individuals and communities. The volunteers also have the capacity to measure the transformations involved in states of physical material around us. The secretariat has measured and analysed the build environment energy consumption of the school and analysed its impact over the years. The school community has been involved in creating a mitigation plan over the schools’ lifetime.

Energy bank audits lifestyles of all volunteers to make them realise their impact on the environment and help them with mitigation activities. The student volunteers mitigate by providing their services while teacher volunteers can opt to mitigate by providing services and guiding students. Our volunteers have the capacity to calculate the following:

The above calculations help create short or/and long-term targets for mitigation activities. We want to enable the community to monitor their consumption and in the same proportion plan and execute mitigation activities.

The Climate cell focuses on auditing greenhouse gas emissions from different human activities. The emissions add to the conservation targets set by the Energy Bank. Student auditors of the division can audit operations of diverse types and scale.

Climate is an impact of an intricate biophysical system present on our planet. In simpler terms, the interactions between the living world and the nonliving world creates the weather and climate we are dependent on. The volunteers of the climate cell have the skills to measure and analyse the changes we cause in these interactions intentionally or otherwise. We are changing the face of the earth faster than ever. The impact of human numbers on the planet is compounded by the material intensity of their lifestyles to cause devastating changes in weather and climate patterns across the world. The energy bank and other divisions contribute data to the climate cell to ascertain impact and plan mitigation.

Our volunteers have the capacity to assess and calculate impact of human activity on the following:

We want to create a collection of climate change instances around us along with their causes. We intend to address the issue of climate anxiety by making the community aware of the changes we have introduced in the environment through our actions. We also want to act as a catalyst for mitigation activities.

Promoting biodiversity, especially of plants, is the most effective way of mitigating the negative impact of human activities on the environment. The division gets offset targets from the Energy Bank and Climate Cell. The students work to increase floral diversity through plantation activities both in and out of the school. In urban areas there is limited scope for promoting floral diversity so the division partners with forest areas close to Gurgaon to achieve its targets.

The biodiversity around us is the magical web that life builds around us. It fulfils our basic requirements and also helps create the weather and climate patterns that provide the security for our survival. We have changed the biodiversity of earth beyond recognition. We cannot restore the web of life to its original set up and we do not have much idea about the web of life we have today. We also do not know the nature of changes we bring about and their multitude. The best we can do is to consult our elders and restore biodiversity with local species we can bring back. Our volunteers have the capacity to:

The aim is to create a repository of information about local biodiversity we can collect from local elders and official records. We aim to maintain a plant nursery of local species. We also participate in citizen science activities and contribute data of our environmental indicators. We provide an immersive experience to students in different habitats to make them understand the value of minimalism. We want to create a similar movement within communities around the school to compound a positive impact on the environment.

Students conduct the water audits on a periodic basis. The division strives to achieve sustainability in water consumption by finding ways for attaining the benchmark of water use.

The division focuses on ways to minimize solid waste production through changes in lifestyle. Once the waste is generated, ways which make maximum recycling, reuse possible are researched upon and promoted.

Water is the elixir of life. The quality of water we have around us reflects the sustainability of our communities. We look at our relationship with water in two proportions, the quantity of water we take from our environment and the quantity of water we give back and the quality of water we take from our environment and the quality we give back. One other important aspect is the distance we get our water from. Our volunteers have the capacity to:

The aim is to make the use of water in our school sustainable. Share our learning and provide our services to communities around the school to make their water use sustainable.

Solid waste is a product of our ignorance and negligence. It is so true when we say “solid waste is not waste but a misplaced resource”. The culture and values of a society are visible in the way they manage their solid waste. It is a matter of great shame that solid waste litters our land and chokes our water bodies. We have partially managed the solid waste produced by our school by collaborating with a vendor to collect it from our school. We have started recycling paper both, in school and with help of industrial recycling. We also have a compost pit for food waste. We have worked hard to ensure segregation of solid waste at source. Our volunteers have the capacity for:

Our aim is to create a model, sustainable solid waste management facility inside the school. We want to provide our services to communities around the school for improving their solid waste management practices to compound the positive impact.