Members of the Prakriti Secretariat conducted baseline audits of solid waste, water, energy and biodiversity in the month of May, 2023 and presented their findings before the school management and authorities.

The findings of different heads (aspects) of the audit were as follows:

DPS Gurgaon
Solid Waste

Major solid waste produced in school constitutes paper, plastic, other dry waste, horticultural waste and food waste. It was found that the food waste is managed by the catering company whereas oil waste generated by the buses and generators is managed by the company on contract. Horticultural waste is partially reused. Remaining waste is collected and burnt.


The audit of energy is based on the calculation of amount CO2 released in the atmosphere on use of fuel, electricity or otherwise. It was found that major sources of Carbon dioxide emission in school are the use of electricity, CNG used up by buses and the fuel used in cars coming to schools. Besides, carbon emission equivalent to the amount of material used in construction of the building of the school was also determined. The number of trees to be planted by the school over a time span of 100 years to off-set its emissions was found to be 1,39,56,686 trees or about 1,39,566 trees per year.

DPS Gurgaon
DPS Gurgaon

The water audit is based on the concept of how much fresh water we can replenish against the water that we utilize. It was found that the school uses about 50,000 lit. water per day. There was negligible leakage of water in school. The rain water harvesting efficiency of the school came out to be 53%. The water sustainability quotient of the school will be determined further.


Students conducted field visits to all the open spaces in school to find out the density and diversity of vegetation and populations of various bird species associated with the school campus. A total of 557 trees were present in school with 10 different trees species, 16 different herbs, 2 shrubs and 3 grass species. During the survey, nests of Red-Vented Bulbuls, Ashy Prinias and House Martins, were seen indicating breeding populations of the species. Various other species of birds were recorded and many species of butterflies were also found to be present. Future plans to set up a school nursery and plantation of native trees providing various ecological services were also laid down. Plans for avenue plantation were solidified and will be executed in the coming months.

DPS Gurgaon

The secretariat organized multiple plantation drives at different occasions in which teaching and non- teaching staff including the top-management and the administrative staff of the school participated. The plantation at the school was flagged off by the Pro-Vice Chairman of the school Mr. Nitin Sawhney by planting a Jamun tree, a tree native to the lowlands and floodplains of Gurgaon region.

Native and ornamental species of trees have been planted all across the school campus.

Tree Species Planted So Far:

DPS Gurgaon

Madhuca indica

DPS Gurgaon

Ficus virens

DPS Gurgaon

Phyllanthus emblica

DPS Gurgaon

Syzygium cumini

DPS Gurgaon

Schleichera oleosa

DPS Gurgaon

Dalbergia sissoo

DPS Gurgaon

Bombax ceiba

DPS Gurgaon

Cassia fistula

DPS Gurgaon

Annona squamosal

DPS Gurgaon

Terminalia bellerica

DPS Gurgaon

Bambusa sps.

DPS Gurgaon

Mitragyna parviflora

DPS Gurgaon

Mangifera indica

DPS Gurgaon

Ficus religiosa

DPS Gurgaon

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis

DPS Gurgaon

Senna siamia

DPS Gurgaon
DPS Gurgaon
DPS Gurgaon

The sapling collective has started the development of a 1000 plant nursery. This will further develop to incorporate a seed bank of native forest plant species.

The secretariat , through its waste division, the ‘Waste to wealth corporation’ has started paper recycling. This is being done in two modes, in-house, within the school and through collaboration with Green-o-bin. Handmade paper is created using waste paper.

DPS Gurgaon
DPS Gurgaon

A dustbin campaign was run by the secretariat after which, all the classrooms now have different dustbins for different kinds of waste and the practice of waste segregation is being followed rigorously after this initiative of the secretariat members.